How to create a website in USA

Us humans are always dreaming up new ways of doing things better. However, we sometimes struggle with organisation and talking about ourselves. It is never easy, and at some point, the need to create a website arises. This could be due to going out on our own and “being our own boss”, promoting a local social or sports club, or through rallying likeminded people to a common cause. It is because of these things that we often find ourselves needing some online presence, even if only to attract local people or customers.

The below questions will help in determining what is the best way forward to create a website for your small business or organization:

Most Important Questions to Determine Your First Steps to Create a Website:

  1. What are you representing through your website?
  2. Why are you wanting to create a website?
  3. What are you hoping to achieve by creating a website?
    • Information objective – provide customers/audience with your business information in an easily accessible manner.
    • Functional objective – website will be able to help customers/audience perform an action or function in an easily accessible manner.
    • Brand feel objective – will the website provide the look, feel and experience that you’re wanting?
  4. Do you want website management to be a competency, or would you rather have someone else take care of everything?
  5. Do you have photos and are you ready to write text about your business or organization?

From the above questions you should be able to determine whether, first-and-foremost, you’re looking to create a website yourself (DIY) which will boost your skills and cost less, or whether you’re very time conscious and would rather hand it over to a professional web designer (which will be more expensive). Note that using a professional web designer doesn’t guarantee a higher quality website than creating it yourself.

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If you’re like most small business owners, then you’re going to be budget conscious, and while not having acres of free time, you certainly have enough because the phone may not be ringing like or once was or things may have changed with existing contacts. It is 2024, times are very tough in our local economy, rising prices complement rising interest rates in ensuring that things cost more and decisions take longer to make. An unfortunate situation that does influence the confidence in the smallest of businesses such as sole traders, service contractors and at-home online business operators who are even more cautious about making any further investments into their business (just keeping head above water is hard enough!).

From contemplating the above, the best solution to the website creation problem for small businesses would be to have a solution that doesn’t cost much, and while it might take a little bit of time up-front, won’t be too hard, and won’t involve the need for a website design professional to sit between the business owner and their website.

This is the very reason we have created Dazzly.

Every-day individuals, couples, husband and wife teams, and all other variations between, are creating websites in their own homes or offices, in order to grow their own businesses and take control of their digital destiny.

Creating a website is not rocket science.

Making a website visible online is not rocket science.

There are several skills involved and you can’t expect your local website designer to cover them all.

Working with multiple website designers + search engine optimisation + web hosting providers is not practical and is far too costly for the average business.

Dazzly solves all of these problems and ultimately solves the website creation process permanently with an extremely comprehensive and long-term solution. It is the most simplest process to create a website ever conceived, all website hosting included, and offered at an extremely low cost, with an even tiny monthly fee plan to get you on-board, visible, and proving it works!

How to Create a Website using Dazzly

  1. Browse to

    dazzly generate website form
  2. Fill in the short Sign Up Form

    • Business Name
    • Email Address
    • Business Category – very important for website design template selection
    • Phone Number – so the Dazzly team can call you if you need help!
    dazzly generate website form filled out
  3. Press ‘Generate my Website’

    dazzly generate website form
  4. The magic behind Dazzly ensures you get the best template every time – in this case our Service Warrior 2 template is the most suitable for a sandblasting service business.

    dazzly generating your website
  5. The Service Warrior 2 template has 7 main things to enter which will go a long way in putting together the website.

    dazzly generate website form
  6. There are a number of photos we provide, but we strongly recommend that over time you replace them with your own photos to better represent your business and local location.

    dazzly generate website form
  7. The final step is to register a domain (typically .com for small businesses) to launch your website on, this can be completed in a few moments and the website should be launched live in around 15 minutes (or up to 1-hour in some cases).

    dazzly generate website form
  8. Request your Free Website Review Consultation – available to anyone on a paid plan – we will personally do a 15 minute Zoom Meeting to review your website, ensure its set-up for visibility online and then give you some simple processes you can repeat to naturally build your website’s visibility/rank online which will attract you more new customers for your business.

This is how you can launch a .com website! We’re extremely proud to be helping people get their website created, launched online, and well managed to grow their businesses at minimal cost.

We hope this has been helpful and we welcome you to contact our support team directly if you are having trouble answering any of the initial questions or if you have any general questions at all about creating a website.

Start your website today and spread the word!

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