Connect your Dazzly website to Google Tag Manager
/ Support / Guides / Website / Connect to Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a free tool by Google that allows you to add tracking tags and code snippets to your website without requiring technical knowledge. As a small business owner, you can use GTM to implement various tracking and marketing tools, such as Google Analytics , Facebook Pixel
, and AdWords
10-15 minutes
If you haven't already, please make sure you have signed up to a monthly or annual plan in order to proceed with connecting to Tag Manager. View our pricing page for more information.
to Google Tag Manager
Firstly, login to Tag Manager
Signin with your Google account Create an Account
Click the 'Create Account' button and enter an Account Name and select your country. Enter your website as the Container Name and select Web as the type. Click the Create button and agree to the terms.
Create a new Account Enter your Account Name, Country, Container Name and Type Get the Container Id
Once the Container has been created we can find the Container Id.
The Container Id is in the format: GTM-XXXXXXXX Save the Container Id into Dazzly
Enter/copy the Container Id into the Tag Manager Container Id field in Dazzly and press Save changes.
On the Website page in Dazzly, scroll down to General Settings and find the Tag Manager Id. Paste the Container Id into the input field and Save. Publish your website
Make sure to Publish your website. You can now add and manage any website tags within Tag Manager without needing to update your website.
Learn more about Tag ManagerPublish Changes to enable the Tag Manager connection.