Who We Are

Having established ourselves in the website industry we have created Dazzly websites as our solution to the multitude of problems that small business owners face when looking for a website or online presence.

Most small businesses won’t live or die by their website – in-fact in the first instance they just need to get a website online. We want to make that fast, easy, and free! But to also give them something quality for their efforts to kick start their online presence.

We believe that while young, Dazzly has a strong technical foundation and will expand to meet the needs of all business owners worldwide. We will expand the template range and features until we have achieved that.

We will not stop until we are the best option for all businesses worldwide – and we need your feedback to make that happen.

Thank you for your time in reading this page. We look forward to having you use our service and making it better to meet all your website needs.

photo grid of dazzly people and culture