No scripts or codes – Dazzly takes care of everything!

Even in 2024, not all platforms support using your mobile device to create and manage your website. It is not a universally supported feature. In many cases, you are restricted to having to use a laptop or personal computer (PC). Today, mobile devices are more prevalent. This means that a segment of entrepreneurs, bloggers and business owners are not able to create a website on-the-go. Particularly in smaller businesses or for independent consultants, much of the basic business operation is carried out by the owner. Hence the term: owner-operator. Owner-operators are busy people, often on-the-road prospecting business opportunities in-person or conducting sales. In this situation, there is no easy way to access a personal computer and a laptop may not always be convenient. You need a solution that will work on a range of tablets and mobile devices.

Another example of the above is the 'digital nomad' or someone living out their fire lifestyle abroad. It doesn’t make economic sense for them to carry around a PC or laptop everywhere, particularly if you’re exploring remote areas or have to carry much of your belongings with you. OK, this won’t represent everyone, but with the ubiquitous nature of computers and the changing way that we’re working (remote working and remote life), we need a solution that will adapt rather than stay still.

Consider further, the inconvenience of having to use either a phone camera, or even a digital camera, then having to go back to your personal computer, bend over to plug that old USB cable into the back of the machine. Wiping off dust, questioning your cleaning habits, and then going through the tedious task of transferring the photos to your desktop storage. Depending on who is building the website, is this task something they will struggle with? Do they have the general computer competency to carry this out?

This quickly becomes inconvenient. Using the mobile device we have on-hand is a far more natural choice for building a website than involving more technology, machines and devices. Thus far we have only mentioned images. When considering video (video backgrounds are supported in Dazzly), the issues with this approach become even more clear. The repetitive nature of this process, as well as getting the photos right, should already be making you think-twice and err-away from using a non-mobile website builder.

In short, you need to choose a website builder that supports all mobile devices. If you’re a busy business owner, ambitious entrepreneur or timely Vlogger – you'll be able to keep your website up-to-date. With a mobile website builder you can snap off a photo or short video and directly place it within your website within a minute or so. Dazzly makes websites easy.

mobile device showing color scheme selection within Dazzly

Mobile website builder - Full website build examples

We've put together some examples of building a complete website from scratch - all from a mobile device. As these examples are for service-based businesses, we've chosen Service Warrior 2 as the template. Service warrior 2 is a multi-page, responsive website featuring custom pages, articles, gallery, testimonials and more.

Quick and Easy template screenshots

Service Warrior 2

Built for service-based businesses, Service Warrior 2 is a visually stunning multi-page website adapted to suit your requirements, from sole traders to large companies this website will come out looking sharp.

dazzly logo background pattern
drawing a plan on paper

Compare this process to using a traditional website development firm.

By using a piece of software that allows you to create and launch a website you’re getting the entire job done at once. You won’t have to write any emails, attend meetings or have to handle any hassles or delays. Everything can be completed at your finger-tips, in your own home or office.

  1. Image of your business logo (this can be any standard image file type)
  2. Consider your customer further
    • Who are they?
    • What wording would they appreciate you using?
      - Technical jargon or words they use in their common vocabulary?
    • What things are most important to your customer?
      - Friendly local service
      - 24/7 service
      - Authenticity
  3. Do you have photos of your service or products?
    • Products
      - Product shown nicely with good scenery/environment/lighting
      - Target customer smiling/using the product/happy
    • Services
      - Show your staff/team at work performing the service
      - Show any visual outcome of the service
      - Show the satisfied client if possible
  4. Your phone number, email address and other contact information
    • Dazzly can help you with your Domain and Email if needed
    • All can be taken care of from your mobile device within minutes
  5. Domain name

Note that some mobile and tablet devices using GPS location services can tag your images. Modern search engines may use this to help determine information based on proximity for your business. This is just another reason why using a website builder that works on modern smartphones is technically advantageous.

Choose a Template and give Dazzly a try right now!

Step by Step of How To Use Dazzly Mobile Website Builder To Create A Website On a Mobile Phone Right Now:

template signup form
Fill in the sign-up form to create a Quick & Easy 1 website.
quick and easy template page
Showing the sign-up form with details for the fictitious salon consulting business – ‘Derek Consulting Co’.
creating a website form
The main software interface where, on your tablet or mobile device, you can enter important information (text, images and video) about your business which our software will use to create your website in-front of your eyes. Note the general list-format with items #1-4 being recommended before publishing and viewing your first website preview.
dazzly mobile interface showing adding a logo
Showing the first item that is required to build your website, you need to upload a company logo image. Don’t worry if you don’t have one yet, the website can be published without a logo by clicking the ‘I don’t have a logo yet...’ link. This link will open a new interface to allow you to choose your website color scheme.
mobile phone screenshot showing a pink salon logo selected
Upon selecting a logo file, Dazzly’s smart website color suggestion algorithm believes that a bright pink and light purple based color-scheme should be a good starting point for your website. We know this because of the two colored base in the top-right-hand corner of the screenshot showing this selection. Note that this is just a suggestion and can be configured/altered to your desired colors. Dazzly defines a websites’ color scheme with a Primary and Secondary color.
dazzly website content menu on mobile screen
You are now returned to the main menu where you can see that the ‘Logo & Colors’ item has been completed.
dazzly website welcome message on mobile screen
The above shows a welcome message that has been inputted for the website. With every piece of content that you put into Dazzly, you always need to remember to press the blue ‘Save’ button in-order to save this information.
dazzly website welcome message completed
Main mobile website builder interface showing ‘Welcome Message’ as completed.
showing the screen to upload your background image or video
Note that you can either upload a photo, video or other capture that you’ve taken directly from your phone or tablet, or alternatively, we offer integrations with both stock image and video libraries – with one click these can be used directly as your website background. This can be helpful for getting up and running fast with a beautiful video background that would typically cost a lot of money to have incorporated into a website design.
dazzly mobile interface showing searching for stock photos
Demonstrating searching within our stock image library for any ‘Salon’ related images that may work well as a static background.
dazzly website content showing background is completed
Main menu showing the ‘Background’ item has now been completed.
shows the process of entering a short message for your website
This text sits under the main image at the top of the page. Simply type in something concise and rest-assured that this item and all the others can be edited/altered to your hearts content (you don’t have to get everything perfect the first time around). Remember to always press ‘Save changes’ to save your text.
dazzly website content showing short message is completed
Screenshot showing the ‘Short Message’ item has now been completed.
screenshot showing using the stock image library search function
Use the Stock Photo library to locate an image that is appropriate for the salon consulting website. In this case we’re using ‘Consultant’ as the search keyword and will select a casual looking consulting image. Note that we chose an image background for the second background as it can often be distracting and difficult to pull-off a design that has multiple video backgrounds within a single page (especially on the first try!). Remember: you can re-save and re-publish items as much as you need to – so you do you.
screenshot showing using the stock video library search function
Again, demonstrating our ability to easily include video backgrounds in your business websites, you can search for, preview and select videos. In this case, we are searching for videos with the keyword ‘Salon’ that may be appropriate. You can select a video by clicking the blue select button.
screenshot showing that the basic recommended items have been entered
Screenshot showing that the basic recommended items have been entered. Although we could publish the website now, there are a couple of additional items we should enter to get the website looking a bit sharper, and properly demonstrating Dazzly’s single page creation capabilities...
screenshot showing more website items to update
As per the previous step, we also recommend entering a couple of ‘Services or Features’ items as well as a ‘Contact Message’ to give the websites’ first preview a bit more of a personalized touch (it’s much-like going on a blind-date - we wouldn’t want to disappoint!).
screenshot showing adding services to website
This is the interface where you can add more services/features to your single page website. By clicking ‘Add Item’ it will allow you to add an additional service or feature which you can provide an icon/graphic and a short description for.
adding a image description and service title
Screenshot shows the process of adding an image and short description for each of the respective services – Makeup, Perfume and Hair.
screenshot showing entering a contact page message
It is important to enter a simple but straight-forward contact message to encourage your customers to take action right away and get in touch. This text input allows you to do this, and, not demonstrated in the above screenshot, but it is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) text editor that allows you to use bold, italics, underline and other such features within your content.
dazzly website content menu showing complete and publishing
Now that all the items are complete, tap the green Publish button at the top. The red bar will move along the screen until it has finished. Once this is finished you will be able to Preview your website on a private link.
website home page
With some simple information and short amount of time we can see our freshly made Home page! Feel free to edit to your heart's content - once your ready you can connect it to your domain.

Android, iPhone, or something more exotic? No problem – our software handles it all.

Why are mobile website builders critical for developing nations?

Developing nations often have only limited access to infrastructure. This makes mobile networks more prevalent and mobile devices are generally cheaper than laptops or PCs.

Dazzly is perfect for developing nations because it requires very little technical knowledge. You can create a high-end website in a very short amount of time from your tablet or mobile phone.

Additionally, the option of using a local professional will be a much more burdensome expense for any new entrepreneur.

Why are mobile website builders popular with digital nomads and work-from-home companies?

The traditional way of working almost always consisted of commuting into the office, attending meetings and interacting with colleagues. This hasn’t always been the case but it is almost observed. However, some entrepreneurs and adventurers decided to try living in a lower-cost country, or across many countries, whilst still performing their work duties. This was in-order to better balance their work and personal life. This is understandable, as economic and political conditions have resulted in increased living costs for the younger generations. There seems to be no signs of this trend changing.

Although the pandemic may prohibit traveling at the time of writing, there are many who were taking the 'work-from-home' approach further. They were 'working-from-anywhere'. This allowed them to significantly lower their personal cost of living. All while still continuing to earn the same level of income from remote locations using their laptops.

There is no doubt that this will require adequate accommodation, yet many are finding this to be a viable way in achieving a good work/life balance.

As these entrepreneurs grow their businesses, they will need access to a flexible and remotely-available solution. They need to update their websites while on-the-go – and Dazzly helps you achieve just that.

No matter where you are in the world, you can login securely to your website editor page and update your website. It's as simple as taking a photo or sending an email – all from your mobile device!

logging in to Dazzly from remote location
Quick and Easy template screenshots

Quick & Easy

Looking for a quick, yet professional landing page for your business? Quick and Easy is the choice for you. Feature your services, display your contact information and receive contact form inquiries with this modern, mobile friendly single page website.

dazzly logo background pattern
using Dazzly from a tablet device

How do mobile website builders make maintaining websites easy?

In all organizations, there is a cost that must be incurred when updating your website. The two components of this cost are indirect economic costs and direct financial costs. One thing to keep an eye on is the frequency that you update your website. Also consider the importance of this marketing channel to your business objectives and bottom-line. The cost may or may not be ballooning out with your existing website IT team and infrastructure.

The economic indirect costs come from the time taken to capture, format and produce the content. From the collection of raw images and text, through to transferring the photo or video from your mobile phone. This all consumes time for both you and your staff.

At this point, like many companies, you will need to get marketing to have a glance at the content. Or perhaps you’re a one-man band, then you simply put on another hat and look at it from that perspective. Then finally, the time to make the update to the website itself.

Most people will use their local web designer or a small agency to build their website, they may not even end up knowing who hosts the website. So, you will fire up your email app and write an email to the person who you usually contact to update the website. This takes time to write, it may be misunderstood and you may be charged a direct financial cost.

Instead of going through the hassle and waiting for your web designer to do the update, you can instead use a mobile website builder. With Dazzly you can do it all yourself – all from your mobile phone.

In the above scenario, you simply login to the Dazzly app on their phone and tap the item they wished to alter. For example ‘Articles’ lets you write about any latest updates or news. You could snap off a photo and update it directly into the website via the app. Then you simply write in your preferred text and click ‘Publish’. Bang! The news is now available for the world and the people in your industry – posted as quickly as possible with a web software innovation.

The above situation clearly demonstrates that you will save a lot of time and direct cost by choosing to use a mobile-friendly solution when creating your website.

Quick and Easy template screenshots

Service Warrior 2

Built for service-based businesses, Service Warrior 2 is a visually stunning multi-page website adapted to suit your requirements, from sole traders to large companies this website will come out looking sharp.

dazzly logo background pattern

Why don’t all website builders allow me to update my website from my phone?

Being able to securely update your website from your mobile devices requires many technical advancements that are not widely available in other website builders. At Dazzly, we’ve always strive to provide our customers with the best website technologies available. This doesn’t just apply to the website that you publish for your business, but also in the app experience when updating your website. In short, technical capabilities in computer science have always been our core competency. We’ve translated that into a simple and straight-forward interface that works from your mobile, tablet or laptop. We’re not sure why our competition can’t do the same, all we can say is that we put the customer first. We are also interested in releasing features that you all find useful and that make you enjoy using our platform.

Can you show us just how easy it is to make a website from your phone?

Sure. Here is a video showing just how easily you can put together a single-page website using your mobile device.

Does Dazzly work on Android mobile devices?

Yes, Dazzly works on Android devices either through any major browser or via the Progressive Web App. If you run into any issues when using our software then don’t hesitate to flick a message to our support team who can get back to you and help –

Does Dazzly work on Apple/iPhone mobile devices?

Yes, Dazzly works on Apple devices, primary through any browser installed on the iPhone device. If you are experiencing any issues using Dazzly on your iPhone please get in touch with our support team with a description of your issue and we can assist –

Why would I want to use a mobile device instead of a computer to build a website?

One compelling reason is that a modern mobile device will have a camera for photos and videos. Photo and video editing software apps are either natively supported or easily made available via the Google Play Store or iOS Store. With all of this in-mind and knowing that you’ll need to manage the website going forward, it makes a lot of sense to do it all from one single device, that you always have on-hand.

Do I have to use an Android or iPhone to use Dazzly?

No, Dazzly also supports other major mobile devices and operating systems. In-fact, we support almost all modern devices and browser resolutions. If Dazzly isn’t working on your device, then be sure to reach out to our team.

Can I use my desktop computer or laptop to setup a website with Dazzly?

Yes, Dazzly isn’t restricted to just apps/mobile devices. You can use a standard desktop PC or a laptop to create your website as well. You can even use all three types of devices at once. Your progress is saved to your account which in turn can be accessed anywhere.

In-order to build a mobile website – do I need to learn scripting or coding?

Dazzly is a no-script, no-code solution. To build a mobile-responsive website you simply use our form-based interface. Put in some simple information about your business, including a few relevant photos (or you can use our stock library) and you can publish a preview website within minutes.

iphone devices showing the Dazzly app
dazzly logo background pattern

Ecommerce Store

Sell your Products and receive payments to your bank account. Modern and mobile-responsive Ecommerce Store with click-and-collect ability. Stock control and product variations supported.

dazzly logo background pattern
new york city streets

Why does Dazzly appeal to web designers too?

Although originally made for the less digitally inclined business owner, there have been a growing group of designers that are finding Dazzly to be a convenient solution. They can use Dazzly to maintain their personal websites as well as the websites of their clients. The main benefit being that you don’t need to have physical proximity to your computer, you can do a video-conference call with your client and then implement any discussed website changes, all from one single device! Once you’ve gone Dazzly, you won’t go back – it's so much less hassle and fuss.

Why do websites made with Dazzly perform well internationally?

There are several key reasons why websites made with Dazzly perform well in multiple markets. The first is that the technologies used in the creation and hosting of the website are all cutting-edge. These options are usually not available at a cost-effective price. The second factor is that we have automated several processes that previously were not practical to put in place for the average website. Now, every Dazzly website contains optimizations such as image compression that contribute to making your website load fast on the mobile devices of potential customers worldwide. Third, our website templates have just the right amount of functionality and flexibility to allow you to create a truly unique presence for your business. These website have a strong, time-tested structure that is pre-configured for success.

Can my entire small business website be created and managed from my phone?

Yes, without needing to involve any third-party web designers, you can create, launch and maintain a website without needing a personal computer (PC) or laptop. With our mobile-capable website builder we have taken an otherwise difficult process and made it much simpler and more accessible for businesses all over the world. The most common computer in this world is a mobile device, so it makes sense that you should be able to build a website on one.

What are the 3 main advantages of building a website from your mobile device?

There are three main advantages to building and maintaining your website from your mobile device.

The first is that when you take a photo from your mobile device and load it into Dazzly, our smart software is able to process the image. The image is automatically optimized, resized and hosted globally. This ensures that search engines and visitors and can load your website fast.

The second is by using a mobile device, you have the flexibility to immediately review website changes you’ve made. You are also using the most commonly owned device type - a mobile device! By using a similar size screen with similar power and graphics capabilities, you get a much more accurate representation of the experience that your typical end-user will have.

Finally, although there are further advantages, the third most important factor is timeliness. By timeliness, we mean, if you want to post some extremely relevant, interesting content 'direct from the horses mouth' - it makes sense to use your mobile. Consider you’re at a local market and you post a picture of your stall show-casing your products. In weeks to come, people searching for your local market will likely come across your website, as it will stand out amongst the local competition. Note that this isn’t just a ‘technical’ advantage, but it can also be used as per the above example for great brand awareness. As a further example, consider a service company that constructs concrete driveways for residential houses. You can capture a video showing the concrete being poured, smoothed out, setting and then ultimately the finished driveway. You could also use a series of photos. If you can place this information in an Article on your Service Warrior 2 website then you’ll be well placed for search engines to rank your content.

In conclusion, without needing a broadband connection or expensive personal computer, you can create an attractive, mobile-friendly website from your tablet or mobile-device. You can promote your business using videos, photos and work stories - all from your device. You do not have to spend any additional fees either (above the standard Dazzly service charges to launch your website).

farmers market stall

Start your website today and spread the word!

red background pattern with dazzly logo